
TFTEI started in 2009 a fruitful cooperation with the Russian Federation (SRI Atmosphere Institute of Saint Petersburg) and the countries from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA). The activities of interest for the EECCA Countries have been agreed with the Coordination Group Leader and included in the work plan for the implementation of the Convention ( and the work plan of the Coordinating Group for EECCAs (

Documents prepared

Guidelines for estimation and measurement of emissions of volatile organic compounds (2015)

The 2012 amendments to the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (Gothenburg Protocol) to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution not only introduce commitments for Parties to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but also mandatory emission limit values for different activities in annexes VI and XI to the Protocol and the establishment of solvent management plans for activities using solvents covered by annex VI. The document provides guidelines to measure VOCs emissions, develop solvent management plans and calculate emissions. It corresponds to the requirement in annex VI to the amended Protocol that “methods of calculation will be reflected in the guidance adopted by the Executive Body”.

Estimation of costs of emission reduction techniques for the Apatity combustion plant in the Russian federation (2011)

Many other guidance documents and guidelines are available:

Next meeting

No meeting scheduled in the next months

Assessment and measurement of emissions of volatile organic compounds - Integrated environmental permits – 11 and 12 November 2019 - Minsk, Belarus

The workshop is part of the institutional activities carried by the Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues (TFTEI), technical body of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, in line with the item 2.3.7 of the workplan 2018-2019 (ECE/EB.AIR/2017/1) for the implementation of the Convention. The workshop was organized with funds of the Federal Government of Germany made available through the German Federal Agency for Environment (UBA). The venue of the workshop has been kindly offered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in Minsk.

During the works of the Berlin Workshop to Promote the Ratification of Protocols of the UNECE Air Convention with Focus on Countries in the EECCA Region, held in Berlin, May 14 to 16, 2019, the need of providing assistance and guidance to the EECCA experts on estimation and measurement of VOCs emissions was recognized. Therefore, the workshop on VOC was mainly intended to provide clear examples of methods and applications to correctly approach the issue of VOC, in line with the Gothenburg Protocol provisions. The workshop was devoted to a limited number of specific experts and practitioners from EECCAs, involved in VOC management.

The workshop also gave the floor to the technical assistance project “Support to Effective Air Emissions and Radiation Monitoring, and Improved Environmental Management in Belarus” (SAQEM, EuropeAid/137868/DH/SER/BY) funded by European Union. During the given workshop that was performed under its Sub-Activity SA6.2, the SAQEM project discussed issues of policy and practice currently implemented in the European Union and Belarus concerning control of emissions into the ambient air, which include, inter alia, principals and provisions of emission limit values, best available technologies and environmental permit system as well as the results of the project in improvement of this system in Belarus

Workshop agenda and presentations

List of documents - Day 1:

List of documents - Day 2:

Previous meetings