The amended Gothenburg Protocol introduces not only VOC emissions reduction commitments for Parties, but also mandatory emission limit values (ELVs) for different activities (for VOCs, Annex VI and Annex XI) and the establishment of solvent management plans for activities using solvents covered by Annex VI.

The work carried out involved developing guidelines for estimating and measuring emissions of volatile organic compounds to help measure VOC emissions and draw up solvent management plans or calculate emissions. It meets the requirement of Annex VI “methods of calculation will be reflected in the guidance documents adopted by the Executive body”. It aims to facilitate ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol and understanding of the requirements of Annex VI.

In 2016, the ad hoc drafting group established by TFTEI at the request of the Working Group on Strategies and Review at its fifty-third session (Geneva, 15–17 December 2015; ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/114, para. 9), finalized the document and answered the remaining questions coming from some EECCA Parties. The revised guidelines were made available to the Working Group on Strategies and Review for consideration and adoption at its fifty-fourth session ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2016/1 (ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2016/4).

The guidelines for estimation and measurement of emissions of volatile organic compounds were adopted by the Executive Body at its thirty-sixth session (Geneva, 15–16 December 2016).