2nd TFTEI meeting – 19- 20 may 2016 – Catania Italy
- 19 May : technical meeting of the assessment committee
- 20 May : Annual TFTEI meeting
- UN-ECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution - Outcome of the 34th and 35th sessions of the Executive Body (December 2015, May 2016) Dissemination of information on LRTAP – Outreach Communications - Franziska ILG (UN Secretariat)
- BAT Workshop for EECCAs - Berlin, 20-22 April, 2016 - Katja KRAUS (German UBA)
- The techno-economic tool for LCPs – ERICCa_LCP - Guidance Document on “BAT controls for mobile sources” - Carmen MAYER (KIT), Nadine ALLEMAND (CITEPA) [TFTEI technical secretariat]
- The Clearing House on Abatement Technologies – Evaluation Committee - Emmanuel FIANI (ADEME)
- “The introduction of BAT in Russia, the possibility of cooperation within the LRTAP Framework" - Dimitri SKOBELEV (Russian BAT Bureau) Andrey NEDRE (Ministry of Natural resources and Environment)
- “National mercury emission inventory in the Russian Federation” (tentative) - Alexander ROMANOV (SRI)
- “Main scientific and regulatory responses and commitments for the metals in the environment” - Annalisa BORTOLUZZI (EUROMETAUX)
- “Vehicle coating - Solvent use and BAT in motor vehicle paint shops” - Michael MROWIETZ, Roman MEININGHAUS (VW and ACEA)
- “TFTEI and Industry – Future challenges” - John PEARSON (ESIG)
- State of progress of the revision of the LCP BREF and surface treatment with solvent – IED ELV comparison and BAT Conclusions - Jean-Guy BARTAIRE (TFTEI Co-Chair) – Nadine ALLEMAND (CITEPA)
- WGSR Drafting Group on Guidelines Document on measurements and calculation of VOC – Questions from Belarus - Nadine ALLEMAND (CITEPA) TFTEI technical secretariat
- Further work on the assessment of costs abatement technologies of VOC - Carmen MAYER (KIT) / Nadia TAIEB (CITEPA) [TFTEI Technical Secretariat]
- POPs emission in Belarus: sources, regulation, BAT implementation provision - Tamara KUKHARCHYK (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute for Nature Management)
- Analysis Tool for GAINS scenarios (report and comments/ further developments) (presentation finally postponed) - Tiziano PIGNATELLI (TFTEI Co-Chair) (ENEA)
- Solvent VOC in the European Union 2008-2013 and future work - John Pearson (ESIG)
- Good practices to strengthen the implementation of air pollution-related policies, strategies and measures - Claudia Marques DOS SANTOS CORDOVIL (Co-Chair TFRN)
- Report of the 2nd TFTEI meeting