8th TFTEI Annual Meeting, October, 6-7, 2022

The eighth TFTEI annual meeting took place on Rome, Italy, in an hybrid mode, on October 7th, 2022. A special Technical Session on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol, in some EECCA countries” took place on October 6th, 2022.

The meeting was organized in collaboration with Italy and France.

Informal Session, October 6, 20222

Final agenda (EN)

Nadine ALLEMAND (TFTEI Head of the Technical Secretariat, Citepa, France)
Illustration of the Case Study on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol – Republic of Serbia

Nadine ALLEMAND (TFTEI Head of the Technical Secretariat, Citepa, France)
llustration of the Case Study on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol – Georgia

Natalia Sirina-Leboine (TFTEI Technical Secretariat, Citepa, France)
Illustration of the Case Study on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol – Kazakhstan

Natalia Sirina-Leboine (TFTEI Technical Secretariat, Citepa, France)
Illustration of the Case Study on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol – Moldova

Annual meeting, October 7th, 2022

Final agenda (EN)

Final agenda (RU)

Alina NOVIKOVA (UN-ECE Secretariat)
Latest information from the UN-ECE LRTAP Convention

Tiziano PIGNATELLI (TFTEI Co-chair, Italy)
Priority issues in the work plan 2022-2023 – Review of the Gothenburg Protocol - Overview of the tasks in the next future workplan

Stefan ÅSTRÖM (TFIAM Co-chair, Sweden)
Cooperation with the TFIAM and the COI report

Alexander ROMANOV (Consultative expert group EECCA, Russian Federation)
Cooperation TFTEI – CG EECCA (no presentation)

Tiziano PIGNATELLI (TFTEI Co-chair, Italy)
Cooperation with the TFICAP

Annex XI of the Gothenburg protocol

Simon GLÖSER (TFTEI Technical Secretariat, KIT, Germany)
Guidance document on methane

Grégoire BONGRAND (TFTEI Technical Secretariat, Citepa, France)
Guidance document on shipping

Nadine ALLEMAND (TFTEI Head of the Technical Secretariat, Citepa, France)
Case Study on EECCAs -Technological Pathway toward the ratification of the Amended Gothenburg Protocol (AGP)

Development of a guidance document on co-mitigation of ammonia and methane (in collaboration with TFRN)

Kimber SCAVO (Chair of GPG)
Overview on the AGP review

Simon GLÖSER (TFTEI Technical Secretariat, KIT, Germany)
Decarbonisation processes in industry and emissions of pollutants

Botagoz IBRAYEVA (BAT Bureau RK (IGTIPC, Kazakhstan)
Transition to BAT: case of Kazakhstan

Svante Bodin (International Cryosphere Climate Initiative)
Arctic Black Carbon impacting Climate and Air Pollution (ABC-iCAP)