4th TFTEI meeting, Brussels (Belgium), October, 16, 2018

The 4th annual TFTEI meeting took place in Brussels on October 16th. Two technical sessions were organised: on October 17th morning, the third meeting of the clearing house committee, and on October 15th afternoon, a technical session on the development of the “guidance on best practices for wood combustion”.

Final agenda


Alina-Novikova (UN-ECE Secretariat)
Recent developments under the Air Convention

Stefan Åström (IVL Sweden))
Cooperation with the TFIAM on the work plan common issues

Katja KRAUS (UBA Germany))
Industrial Sources of Mercury in Germany – a Research Project

Jean-Guy Bartaire)
Clearing House of Technologies – State of progress

Alexander ROMANOV (Coordinating Group for EECCA Countries))
Joint Meeting TFTEI-CG_EECCA

Tamara Kukharchyk (Belarus, EECCA expert))
Environmental aspects of solid fuel combustion in small installations: the experience of Belarus

Andrzej Jagusiewicz (EFCA))
Use of Coal and Wood in SCI – the Polish case

Nadine ALLEMAND, Carmen Schiel (TFTEI Technical Secretariat))
State of progress of the work plan implementation, TFTEI activities

Tiziano PIGNATELLI (TFTEI Co-Chair))
Code of good practice for solid-fuel burning and small combustion installations based on BAT – Draft

Marco Palazzetti (CEFACD))
Overview of Domestic Heating Appliances Sector

Remi Bussac (EDF))
Use of high performances engines plants in French islands

Chloe Canuel (MTES, France))
Residential heating – French experience