3rd TFTEI meeting – Rome (Italy), October, 20, 2017

  • 19 October : meeting of the clearing house committee
  • 20 October : Annual TFTEI meeting


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Sustainable Economic Development

Alina NOVIKOVA (UN-ECE Secretariat)
Latest information from the UN-ECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution

Anna ENGLERYD (Chair EB)
Long term perspective on the Convention

Jennifer Kerr (Chair of WGSR)
Priority issues and PRG recommendations

Emmanuel FIANI (Chair of CHEC)
Further development of the Clearing House of Technologies – Evaluation Committee

Katja KRAUS (UBA Germany)
The Minamata Convention in force - Where are synergies with LRTAP ?

Andrey NEDRE –Dimitri SKOBELEV (Russian Federation)
An assessment of the reduction of the negative impact of atmospheric emissions on the environment and human health as the result of the introduction of the best available techniques and the implementation of CLTAP Protocols requirements in the development of federal and regional industrial development programs in Russian Federation

Alexander ROMANOV (Coordinating Group for EECCA Countries)
EECCA countries Coordinating Group planned work for implementation in 2018-2019

The importance of technology for environmental protection

Nadine ALLEMAND, Carmen Mayer (TFTEI Technical Secretariat)
State of progress of the work plan implementation, TFTEI activities

Christophe CORD’HOMME (CNIM)
Presentations on technologies (title to be defined)

Experience on NOx emission reduction in European cement plants

Measures to control emissions from domestic solid fuel burning and small heating installations (tentative)

Emission and pollution trends of BaP (1990-2015), contribution of main source categories with emphasis on domestic combustion

Shigeyuki KIMURA (UNFCCC secretariat)
Work of the Technology Executive Committee of the UNFCCC

The report of the meeting will be discussed at the 56rd WGSR in May 2018.

Provisional report: 2-TFTEI_Chairs_Report_2017_draft_final.pdf