9th TFTEI Annual Meeting, June, 12-13, 2023

The ninth TFTEI annual meeting took place in Warsaw, in an hybrid mode, on June 13th, 2023.

A special Technical Session on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol, in some EECCA countries” took place on June 12th, 2023.

The meeting was organized in collaboration with Italy and France. The meeting was hosted by Poland.

Informal Session, June 12th, 2023

Nadine ALLEMAND (TFTEI Head of the Technical Secretariat, Deputy director of Citepa, France)
Introduction, method used, summary of results for Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Kazakhstan

Nadine ALLEMAND (TFTEI Head of the Technical Secretariat, Deputy director of Citepa, France)
lllustration of the Case Study on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol – Armenia

Natalia SIRINA-LEBOINE (TFTEI Technical Secretariat, head of unit Citepa, France)
Illustration of the Case Study on “Technological Pathway toward the Ratification of the Gothenburg Protocol – Montenegro

Annual meeting, June 13th, 2023

Final agenda (EN)

Final agenda (RU)

Alina NOVIKOVA (UN-ECE Secretariat)
Latest information from the UN-ECE LRTAP Convention
How to report emissions under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution – E-Learning course

Tiziano PIGNATELLI (TFTEI Co-chair, Italy)
Priority issues in the work plan 2024-2025 – Review GP - Overview of the tasks in the next workplan

Simone SCHUCHT (TFIAM Co-chair, France)
Cooperation with the TFIAM

Anna ENGLERYD (Swedish EPA, co-chair of FICAP)
Forum for International cooperation on Air pollution- cooperation with TFTEI

Tommy DALGAARD (co-chair of TFRN)
Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen - Cooperation with TFTEI

Andrzej JAGUSIEWICZ, President of European Federation of Clean Air
From EGTEI to TFTEI and from Warsaw 2011 to Warsaw 2023

M Katarzyna STADNIK - Head of the Air Protection Team at the Marshal's Office of the Malopolska Voivodeship
Improving air quality in Krakow and Malopolska

Simon GLOESER (Professor, University of Freiberg, DE)
Low carbon technologies and their impacts on pollutant emissions

Nadine ALLEMAND (TFTEI Head of the Technical Secretariat, Deputy director of Citepa, France)
Case Study on EECCAs & SEE -Technological Pathway toward the ratification of the Amended Gothenburg Protocol (AGP), on Armenia and Montenegro

Till SPRANGER (Chair of Working Group of Strategy and Review and WG_POD)
Policy options to address the conclusions of the review of the 2012 amended Gothenburg Protocol

Julia DOMAGAŁA AGH University of Science and Technology - Tomasz Mirowski, Assistant Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Modern solid biomass in residential sector in Poland

Robert KUBICA (Associate Professor Silesian University of Technology)
Abatement of particulate matter emission from small combustion installations fuelled with biogenic, solid fuels.

Fouad SAID (Combustion expert, Technical and innovation director, Fives Pillard)
Energy Transition and Hydrogen combustion